All you ever need in one place for Solana Staking
Start staking SOL, review your existing stake, and unstake at any time, for the best price.

Automated stake delegation
Protected staking rewards

Automated stake delegation
Protected staking rewards
Your questions, answered
How do I get my staking rewards?
Staking rewards are accrued differently between the Native and mSOL products. With Native, more SOL is sent to your stake account after each epoch (2-3 days). If you liquid stake using mSOL, mSOL is a rewards-bearing liquid staking token that grows over time vs. SOL price. That means your staking rewards generated by the Marinade stake pool are automatically added to the price of mSOL after each epoch. When you unstake your mSOL, you will receive a greater amount of SOL tokens based on how long you have held the mSOL. See mSOL/SOL price
How do I receive my SOL back if I choose “Delayed Unstake”?
You can unstake your mSOL at the end of each Solana epoch (every 2-3 days) with no fee, but this requires you to return to the DApp to claim it once available. To unstake and receive your SOL, visit the Marinade DApp’s “Delayed unstake” option and “Start delayed unstake.” After the announced time, return to the DApp and click on the “unstake” tab and you will see any delayed unstake tickets that is ready to be claimed will be displayed and you can make one more transaction to claim your SOL. When you start delayed unstake, you will be prompted to sign up for Dialect notifications that will alert you when your SOL stake is ready to be claimed. There is no expiration date to return and claim your unstaked SOL.
Can I unstake mSOL or my Native SOL stake at any time?
Yes. Marinade allows you to directly swap your mSOL back to SOL by using our ‘Unstake now’ option. You can instantly unstake your mSOL anytime for SOL. This option returns SOL instantly but comes with a liquidity fee of 0.01% or higher depending on the route that Marinade will find for you. Marinade’s liquidity router utilizes multiple sources and is always identifying the best unstake route so you get the most SOL out of your instant unstake. You can learn more about our fee structure. You can also unstake without any fee by using our ‘Delayed unstake’ option.
Why can I not see my staked SOL after I deposited the mSOL on another protocol?
Marinade's dashboard only shows funds that are in your wallet and not used in DeFi. In order to see your positions across the ecosystem, use apps like or Your mSOL is accruing staking rewards even if it is not displayed in our dashboard.
Why is there no mSOL in my account after I staked?
If you just staked and did not receive mSOL back it means you selected Marinade Native during staking process.
Why does Marinade Native have no Smart Contract exposure?
When staking natively on Solana, your wallet owns a stake account that has two distinct authorities. The “withdraw authority” is the only one that can withdraw the funds, and the “stake authority” can split, merge and choose what validators receive the stake. When you use Marinade Native, you retain the Withdraw Authority at all times. You only give the Stake Authority to a Marinade bot to handle your staking delegation. This means that Marinade will never be able to access your funds and they will always be under your custody, on your wallet.
Can I hold Marinade Native stake and mSOL in the same wallet?
Why are there so many stake accounts in my wallet now?
When you provide Marinade your stake account’s delegation authority, it creates accounts for every validator in the delegation strategy. While wallets currently do not have a way to display this efficiently in their UI, you can view the Marinade Native account details on the new dashboard in the DApp.
Why is Marinade Native’s APY higher than mSOL APY?
mSOL collects a 6% management fee on staking rewards for liquid staking, while Marinade Native currently has no management fee.
Where can I use mSOL?
mSOL has been integrated by many protocols in the Solana DeFi and NFT ecosystem! From single staking your mSOL without any added risk to adventurous degen strategies, mSOL can be marinated in all your DeFi recipes. You can find a non-exhaustive list on our DeFi page or visit The Cookbook guide. You can also track your mSOL on and Not sure how to use mSOL? Come visit the mSOL-strategies channel in Discord. Also keep in mind that mSOL can be traded at its current value in exchange for any other cryptocurrency on a decentralized exchange without the need to unstake it first.